Welcome to the Wave Count Abundance Community.
As you dive in to this training, watching the videos one by one, you’ll get access to high performance surf steps to start using in your sessions right away.
You can use this table of contents to navigate easily between over 1 hour of video lessons in this course
Module 1: 5 Keys to Paddle Power and How to Get There
Module 2: Using Breathing Exercises To Take Quantum Leaps in Your Surfing
Module 3: How To Position Yourself For Barrel Success
Advanced Lessons: ONLY view these videos if you’ve already watched modules 1- 3
Module 4: Fine Tuning Your Paddle Position and Navigating Crowds
You can also watch all the modules by scrolling down this page
The 5 Keys To Paddle Power and How To Get There
Module 1: Intro to Making Real Progress In Reaching Your Wave Count Goals
Module 1: Part 2: : Action Steps For Achieving Rapid Gains In Your Paddle Strength
Using Breathing Exercises To Take Quantum Leaps in Your Surfing: Double your breath- hold time and have more confidence in heavy surf
Module 2: Part 1: The Lesson I Learned From an XXL Swell at Puerto Escondido
Module 2: Part 2
How To Position Yourself For Barrel Success
Module 3: Part 1
Module 3: Part 2
Module 3: Part 3
Module 3: Part 4
Module 3: Part 5
MODULE 4: Fine Tuning Your Paddle Position
2/7/20- PT 1: INTRO
PT 2: Inside Positioning Strategy I Used At Pipe
PT 3
SECTION A: What No One Told Me About Positioning
SECTION B: The Do’s and Dont’s Of Your Paddle Position
Missed Timing vs. On It Timing: Footage of some of my wipeouts at Puerto vs. rides resulting from good positioning (EARLY TAKE OFF!!)
PT 4: Finding Solutions To The Crowd: Dealing With Annoying Antics And Getting The Waves You Want
Bonus Section: Part 1-
Bonus Section: Part 2-